[Hudson, August 2020] As the economic fallout from the pandemic continues to impact St. Croix Valley communities, the COVID-19 Response Fund for the St. Croix Valley partners will direct the second wave of grantmaking to nonprofit organizations working on emerging needs: housing (rent and mortgage assistance), utilities, and transportation (car repairs and gas cards).

Eligible nonprofits organizations (serving Washington or Chisago Counties in MN or Burnett, Polk, St. Croix or Pierce Counties in WI) are encouraged to read the FAQs & Funding Priorities before applying for a grant. The application deadline is 5 pm, Friday September 18, 2020.
The St. Croix Valley Foundation and our partners at the United Way St. Croix Valley and United Way Washington County East are grateful that, through the generosity and compassion of our communities, approximately $600,000 will be granted in Wave II to nonprofit organizations throughout our six-county region.