PLACEMAKING Presentations
- Recordings & Resources -

TOPIC : "Creative Placemaking"
DATE : Wed. Apr 13, 2022
FEATURING : Jennifer Hughes, National Endowment For The Arts & Laura Zabel, Springboard For the Arts
How do the arts contribute to economic growth, transform neighborhoods, and help connect people to place?

TOPIC : "Building A Welcoming Community"
DATE : Wed. Mar 9, 2022
FEATURING : A panel including representatives of
Why it is important for communities to be welcoming? What resources are available to make your community more welcoming? Who is coming to our region and why are they important to builidng a thriving community?

TOPIC : "The Built Environment"
DATE : Wed. Feb 9, 2022
FEATURING : The Hon. John Robert Smith
on behalf of Smart Growth America
Planning for the future now... because the way our communities are planned, designed, and built has an enormous impact on how well we ALL live.

TOPIC : "Making The Case For Place"
DATE : Wed. Jan 12, 2022
FEATURING : Dr. Katherine Loflin -"The City Doctor"
Lead consultant and national expert on the Knight Foundation
What does PLACEMAKING mean for a community? Why is it important? How does attachment to place relate to economic growth and opportunity? What can you do, in your community, to develop PLACE?
Conversations of the Valley is a community speaker series that's been informing and inspiring since 2004.
The purpose is to bring community members together to address issues relevant to the St. Croix Valley region.
By talking about issues, discussing them, and asking questions,
community members gain insights which often lead to meaningful action.
Topics are presented 4 times per year.